Privacy policy Multi Photos Contact

Privacy policy

Our apps and websites do not share personal information with third parties. When you write us a mail we’ll have your address but we won’t use it for anything else than helping you with our apps.

We do use anonymous traffic analysis. We only log anonymous technical information mostly in order to adapt fast to the constant hardware and software variations. This is essential to get apps that work, especially on the Android platform with its thousands of models.

Our free apps include third-party ad libraries such as Google’s Admob. They might target advertising based on what they know about you. We have no control over this but we do not provide anything to them, other than the space at the bottom of our apps.

Android requested permissons


The purpose of the application is to regularly modify the photo of your contacts, this why we needs these permissions (to update the photo).


You can use a photo from  your gallery or take a picture to modify the photo of a contact. To be able te take a picture directly from the app we need the camera permission.


Each contact has a dedicated photo gallery, the photo of contacts are updated regularly from each photo gallery.

We need the READ and WRITE permissions to store all the photos of the gallery of each contact in the internal storage of the device.

The app offers also an option to backup all the photos managed by the app.

The backup process first creates a ZIP file with all the photos, this ZIP file is stored in the internal storage of the device.

Then the ZIP file is transferred to the user’s Google Drive folder after the user accept the login process of Google Drive associated to his Google account.

We need the READ and WRITE permissions to prepare the backup file and to be able to send it to Google Drive or for the reverse process, to restore the backup from Google Drive.

We never have access to your photos and we don’t collect or store any information.

Really, seriously we do not care about your private life more than you care about ours and we are not intentionally collecting anything related to it in order to resell it or whatnot.

If you don’t agree with this, please do not use our apps or websites.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on February 6, 2017. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly.